In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Our attention is drawn instinctively
To bright colors, bold contrasts,
And what’s placed or places itself at the center.
But is this always what is truly beautiful?
Or could it be that,
If we take the time to look beyond the obvious,
We find beauty in what at first glance
Did not catch the eye?
To bright colors, bold contrasts,
And what’s placed or places itself at the center.
But is this always what is truly beautiful?
Or could it be that,
If we take the time to look beyond the obvious,
We find beauty in what at first glance
Did not catch the eye?
If we can do this,
Perhaps we need not climb the hilltop,
Nor travel to distant lands to find the beautiful.
Instead, we may discover it here at home,
Close by, right near.
Perhaps we need not climb the hilltop,
Nor travel to distant lands to find the beautiful.
Instead, we may discover it here at home,
Close by, right near.